About Me

I'm making my reeds in a standard way with hardness tester and testing them with my Puchner Model Superior Bassoon with Heckel CC1XL bocal. In that case i can produce my reeds are easy to play with rich tone and stable intonation. 

Over past ten years I had a lot of experience on making reeds and still I’m learning, exploring things with developing technology when I’m making reeds. I sold many reeds on other platforms and collect their feedbacks and I shaped my experience. Making reed requires a full focused manual labor and patience. I prefer cane manufacturer brands such as Rigotti (France) or Lavoro (Turkey) to achieve a standard sound and intonation. Before I start making reeds, I measure the cane for 24mm diameters and I make sure that the cane’s surface is flat. The maintenance of the machines, tools and equipment is performed regularly. As a result, the produced reeds are very similar to each other. As a known fact, each reed that is produced from one tube cane differs from each other. After completing the reeds I play them to test and adjust them if necessary. When all the processes are finished I clean the reeds with pure water and wipe them with cotton. I’m living in Turkey and I’m a lecturer at Hacettepe University State Conservatory in Ankara. In addition, I have been working at Hacettepe Symphony Orchestra since 2002. I play in different orchestras as a substitute bassoon and contrabassoon player at the same time. I finished my masters on 2016 and went to Sibelius Music Academy in Helsinki as an exchange student to explore more about reeds and bassoon. I produce my own reeds and sell them to students and professionals players all around the world.